Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Top 3 and 3

I am not sure how often I am going to do so... but my intentions are to pick my current top three albums and then one song that is extra awesome on that and share my top picks with you!!! It is no Rolling Stone, but it is what gets me through the day.
I suggest that you pick at least one and listen to it.....I mean you are already on the Internet....what is another 3 minutes.

Right now I have to say that my top picks are the following.

1. J Dilla -The Shining - Won't do

2. Ghostface Killah - Ghostdini the Wizard of Poetry in Emerald City - Paragraphs of Love

3. Justice - Cross - TTHHEE PPAARRTTYY

4. ENJOY!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Starting Fresh

I started off my new year in a fresh pair of kicks. Which was a great decision. They landed me in front of a fabulous umbrella on the ground, conveniently, when it was raining out, into a puddle without any damage, out to see some fireworks, to a great hotel party, and home with the ability to take them off.....all in the same night! The 1st may have been even better. I got to see the Mummers!!! Which were a total hoot! I recommend that if you have never gone to the parade, you should try next year.

.....and eat it too !

Happy Freakin New Year ! IT IS 2010 BABY!!! Brush that dirty of your shoulder, get so fresh and so clean clean, because now is your chance to shape up or ship out! I think that it is great that the calender has given us this chance to press restart. To show my thanks I have composed a great a great to-do list. On that list next to all the corny things like save money and have craft nights there is "have my (cup)cake and eat it too" ! I vow to do this because there has been a great deal of effort and magic mixed into the cakes that have been made for me. These are in no particular order, they were all scrumptious, and were all made by my wonderful friends who truly adore me.